This message takes a reflective look at the Meal that Changed the World. We look at the Last Supper's profound impact on the Christian faith, celebrating the victory and reign of Jesus and God's unwavering embrace.
Dave takes us into the background of the original Passover meal, a cornerstone event for the Israelites, and draw parallels to its New Testament counterpart. Join us as we discover how the Last Supper instituted a new covenant, replacing the age-old traditions with bread and wine as enduring symbols of connection and grace.
As we reflect on the continuity of human fallibility and divine forgiveness, we recognize the powerful transformation promised in prophecy and fulfilled through Jesus' sacrifice—messages that resonate through the centuries.
We close this message out embracing the solemnity of Good Friday. Together, we honour the sacrifice of Jesus and the liberation it brings, acknowledging the shift from action-based relationships with God to ones rooted in grace and love.
We invite you to join us in this space of gratitude and anticipation, as we carry forward the reflections from our shared bread and cup into the promise of Easter Sunday's joy. This message is a heartfelt invitation to unite around history's most transformative meal and the lesson it continues to impart in our lives.
Discussion Questions:
1. Reflect on the significance of the Last Supper as described in Luke 22. How does Jesus reframe the meaning of the Passover meal for his disciples, and what implications does this have for our understanding of communion today?
2. The original Passover meal signified deliverance and protection for the Israelites (Exodus 12:13). How does this event foreshadow the redemptive work of Jesus, and what significance does it hold for us as we celebrate Communion?
3. The sermon highlighted the sacrificial love of Jesus as the ultimate act of redemption, as noted in 1 Peter 1:18-19. Discuss how the concept of being "ransomed" by the blood of Christ impacts our understanding of salvation and our daily lives.
4. As we anticipate the joy of Easter Sunday, what does the resurrection of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:20-22) mean for our personal hope and the way we live out our faith in the world?