In this message, Bretto challenges us to move beyond simply doing kind acts to becoming truly kind people. The central message revolves around 1 Corinthians 13, reminding us that 'love is kind' - not sometimes or occasionally, but always. This isn't about achieving perfection, but about inviting God to help us grow in kindness, step by step. The parable of the Good Samaritan serves as a powerful illustration of kindness grounded in love - a sacrificial, inclusive love that extends even to those we might consider enemies.
As we reflect on this, we're encouraged to examine our own lives. Are we merely doing kind things, or are we becoming kind people? This journey of kindness isn't about weakness; it's about strength, assertiveness, and vulnerability. It's about being adaptable to others' needs and responding rather than reacting. As we ground ourselves in God's love, we're called to demonstrate a kindness that is intentional, consistent, non-judgmental, and uplifting to others. In a world that often lacks kindness, our challenge is to let God's love transform us, making kindness not just our action, but our identity.
Discussion questions:
1. What is the difference between 'doing kind' and 'being kind', and how can we cultivate kindness as part of our identity rather than just our actions?
2. How can we demonstrate kindness in challenging situations, such as dealing with difficult coworkers or problematic relatives?
3. How does the story of the Good Samaritan challenge our understanding of kindness, especially in relation to those we might consider 'others'?
4. In what ways can we show understanding and compassion without judgment, following Jesus' example with the woman caught in adultery?
5. What are some practical ways we can use kindness to lift others up, focusing on giving rather than receiving?