In this message, Dave explores the birth of the early church as described in Acts 2:42-47. We're reminded of how the gospel reshaped 3,000 lives, transforming them into a community marked by radical unselfishness and devotion. The early believers were attractively different, devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Their lives reflected God's presence, leading to unprecedented growth and social change. We're challenged to consider how we too can be 'attractively different' in our world, embodying Christ's love and generosity in ways that draw others to Him. As we reflect on this, we're encouraged to see ourselves as the continuation of God's presence in the world, called to be His hands and feet in our communities.
Discussion Questions:
1. How can we cultivate a spirit of 'radical unselfishness' in our own lives and communities, as demonstrated by the early church?
2. How does the concept of being 'attractively different' challenge our understanding of Christian witness in today's world?
3. How can we balance the tension between being set apart from the world and engaging with it in meaningful ways, as the early church seemed to do?
4. How can we cultivate a deeper sense of awe and wonder in our worship and daily lives, as described in the early church?
5. What might it look like for our church community to have 'favor with all the people' in our current cultural context?