This message powerfully illustrates how Jesus empowers us to carry out his mission in the world. Just as he sent out the twelve disciples with his authority to heal the sick and proclaim the good news of the kingdom, Jesus also sends us out today with that same power and purpose. The key is to travel light, not relying on our own strength, plans or provisions, but placing our total trust in Jesus to work through us. We are challenged to lay aside the weights, worries and distractions that hinder us from running the race with endurance. As we surrender control and step out in obedient faith, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will see him do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine for his glory.
Discussion Questions:
1. What does it mean for us as believers to be 'sent' by Jesus to co-labor and collaborate with him in his mission?
2. In what ways do we tend to 'overpack' for the spiritual journey by relying on our own resources, plans and comforts instead of fully trusting God?
3. How can we discern the difference between wise preparation and an unhealthy need for control or certainty in following God's call?
4. What might Jesus be asking you to leave behind or lay down in order to walk in greater trust and obedience to him?
5. What does it look like practically to be 'sent' people who are agents of love, healing and transformation in the world?